parshat Nitzavim
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Understanding the principle of mutual responsibility and what it's laws say about the importance of the Land of Israel to the existence of the Jewish nation.
Defeating Death
Only now, reaching Nitzavim, can we begin to get a sense of the vast, world-changing project at the heart of the Divine-human encounter that took place in the lifetime of Moses and the birth of Jews/ Israel as a nation. -
Two Creations
The world was created twice – one that was preceded by a state of pre-creation, and another time after the world was already created. The first creation happened in the first month and the second one was in the seventh month. -
Jewish Covenants
Covenants, in the Jewish sense of the word, are not altered by changing times and differing circumstances. A covenant has the ring of eternity, not only in time but also in content. -
Playing an Active Role in History
A look into this week's Torah reading Nitzavim to understand the principle of mutual responsibility and what it's laws say about the importance of the Land of Israel to the existence of the Jewish nation. -
Shedding Light on "Teshuva"
A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading "Nitzavim- Vayelech". -
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